Meta Quest Pro 256GB
High tech, new price
Our most advanced headset yet. A whole new way to work, create and collaborate.
Work in the virtual world. Stay in the real world.
With breakthrough high resolution mixed reality you can engage effortlessly with the virtual world while maintaining presence in your physical space in hi-def color.
Collaborate in mixed reality together, apart
The path from idea to collaboration has never been easier. Design in mixed reality while anchored in your own physical design space. Invite collaborators around the world to join your space, and work on shared designs in real time.
Immerse yourself in the creative process
Meta Quest Pro brings together the latest in VR to change perspectives on how we design for physical and virtual worlds. Using VR painting and various studio apps, the creative process goes to a whole other level.
Build a new living room, from your living room
What if you could walk around the inside of a house or building before it’s built? Or lift a skyscraper up with one hand to examine its structural integrity? With high-resolution mixed reality passthrough, you and your colleagues can do that and more.
Even if you’re across the world, it’ll feel like you’re across the table
Authentic avatar expressions mimic your natural facial expressions, so you can be fully present in meetings and gatherings with friends and bring more of your true personality to life in VR.
The ultimate wearable technology
A streamlined profile and counterbalanced design combine for more comfort so you can work, create and collaborate longer in VR. And with flexible levels of VR immersiveness, the virtual world is no longer one size fits all. Best part? It’s great even if you wear glasses.
Look at reality through an entirely new lens
With Quest Pro we are introducing Infinite Display. Get a slimmer, lighter headset design thanks to our innovative patented pancake lens and display technology that reduces the optical stack by over 40%. Enjoy more engaging VR content with crisp, clear 22 pixels per degree visuals, 75% greater contrast, and a 1.3x larger color gamut for more vibrant color.
Multi-tasking, it’s the new superpower
Whatever you need to do, you have a new superpower. Pop open multiple resizable screens to organize tasks, work on new ideas, stream podcasts, news feeds, playlists or simply message with friends. It’s never been easier to multitask.
Reach out and touch VR. Totally possible with intuitive, in-hand controllers. Included with your headset.
With self-tracking controllers that are balanced to hold and provide TruTouch haptic feedback, and precision pinch for fine control, VR has never felt this intuitive and second nature — it’s like the controllers are natural extensions of your hands in VR.
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